'desclaimer : we can\'t shoot on studio because of this pandemic situation .. Hello everyone | I am back with my some amazing dance workouts ,Use the routine for the workout as well as parties , just remember to have fun - Hope all of you enjoyed it. learn it and working out on it because I am very very excited to bring this out to all of you | please show some love and subscribe my channel ,and I assure you all will never run out of energetic and stylish dance workout routine .. Information ..... my online classes take place every Monday, Wednesday, Friday ..8am ,5pm,7pm ,... To register , you can contact me following (6290779895) watsapp only email .. yriya9814@gmail.com instagram ..riya 1356 fb page, R Fittness Factor & dance https://fb.watch/1CGKrNly7k/https://fb.watch/1CGKrNly7k/'
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